14 Feb 2012

sorry,no Valentine's day coz I am a Muslim

:: Assalamualaikum ::

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions. Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers" [Al ‘Imraan 3:85] 
Lately, there were so many love story in the televisions till I was so tired of seeing all the romantic words as for me words are nothing. Action speaks louder than words right?Commonly, 14th February have been such a momentum for couples to expressed their feelings to their beloved one, of course different gender from them. There's something that really tickles me. My friend said, "Iyola. ramai bebenor sambut Valentine. Pastu konon sebagai bukti cinta, sanggup gadai maruah semua. Lagi 9 bulan dapat anak." He said that with such an angry voice. Yes, reality is quite hard to bear. Typical mentally now. For me, it is not LOVE but LUST! Sadly, this what so called Valentine's phenomena had spread among Muslim girls and boys, who does not bode well. Before we go further, let us read this verse.

“Dan jika kamu menuruti kebanyakan orang-orang di muka bumi ini, nescaya mereka akan menyesatkanmu dari jalan Allah. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah mengikuti prasangka belaka, dan mereka tidak lain hanyalah berdusta (terhadap Allah).” 
(Surah Al-An’am : 116)

Concerning about this matter, I am urge to share the explanation from scholars regarding this particular matter. There was actually a vague story behind this Valentine itself. Actually, the term Valentine was adapted from the name of a martyr, Pedro St. Valentino. This particular day was actually as a remembrance day for him who was killed by King Claudius II. At first, this day was a symbolic for their religion. Later on, it became a non-religion festival after it had been related with Roman lover's day. We can see here that this particular Valentine day is totally different with Islam. Ask yourself, whether this is the way you expressed love that is by following the Christian way? 

“ Dan janglah kamu megikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggung jawabnya”. 
(Surah Al-Isra : 36)
Remember, we are a Muslim, so we have to follow what Allah SWT ask us. We do not need this one day to make us away from HIM as HE love us in every minute, every second and every breath we have. Remember what I told in previous entry about Islam? So, let us bring back Islam! InsyaAllah. Mardhatillah~


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